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Event Information:

  • Mon

    Summer School of the International Algorithm Studies Networ

    Stockholm, Sweden
    Algorithms are everywhere! This international summer school explores the increasing importance of algorithms in society and the socio-cultural transformations that this tendency implies. The point of departure is that algorithms become implicated in society and culture: for example in media narratives, in mundane artefacts, or in organizations. Through their output and functioning, algorithms come to classify, hierarchize, value and shape different social phenomena, often well beyond their initial purpose.

    The aim of this summer school is to address algorithms through a number of themes that shine light on different aspects of algorithms in society and culture: in big data, music, law, surveillance and medicine. The summer school takes place at a few thematically chosen venues in Stockholm: at some government agencies and private organizations. How do these organisations work with algorithms and how can we as scholars understand their omnipresence?

    Algorithms and Music
    Algorithms and Law
    Algorithms and Surveillance
    Algorithms and Big Data
    Algorithms and Medicine

    Confirmed Teachers
    Baki Cakici (Goldsmiths, University of London)
    Bill Maurer (University of California, Irvine)
    CF Helgesson (Linköping University)
    Dennis Broeders (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
    Evelyn Ruppert (Goldsmiths, University of London)
    Nick Seavers (Tufts University)
    Pelle Snickars (Umeå University)
    Philip Roscoe (University of St. Andrews)

    The summer school will take place in beautiful summer Stockholm: the home town of Spotify, Dice, Paradox Interactive, Minecraft, the Pirate Bay, Candy Crush, and countless other digital actors and phenomena. The school is hosted by the Department of Thematic Studies: Technology and Social Change at Linköping University, Sweden.

    Who should apply?
    The summer school invites doctoral students from the social sciences and the humanities.

    Application and Deadline
    Fill in the application form below as well as a 500 word motivation on how the issues adressed in this summer school is relevant for your research. Attach your CV.

    Send applications to:

    Deadline: Friday, 18 March 2016. Participants will be notified no later than March 31. Reading lists and more information will be sent out in the beginning of June.

    The summer school is free to attend. Participants will pay for and arrange their own accomodation and most meals. Some accomodation with fellow participants will be available, but we welcome your own arrangements.

    In the application please note: full name, affiliation, address, dietary restrictions. Please also note if you are interested in staying with a fellow participant.

 Posted by at 7:47 am

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