Relevant Events
This page lists events relating to the use of ICT for environmental regulation. The site has no role in the organisation of these; please refer to the websites linked for further information.
Event Information:
Wed06Dec2017Thu07Dec2017Funchal, Portugal
The 5th Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT 2017)
The 5th Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT 2017) will be held December 6-7, 2017 in Funchal, Portugal. Papers are invited in all aspects of Sustainable Internet and ICT, Sustainability through the application of ICT, and Human-Centered technology for sustainability, including works that report on prototype test best and real-world deployments.
Ultimately, the goal of this conference is to bring together people from different research areas, and provide a forum to exchange ideas, discuss solutions, and share experiences among researchers, professionals, and application developers from both industry and academia. The topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
*Sustainable Internet and ICT
1.Green Internet (e.g., novel standards and metrics for green communications, measurement and evaluation of the Internet's sustainability)
2.Energy-efficient data centers (e.g., algorithms for reduced power, energy and heat, trade-offs between energy efficiency, Quality of Service, and reliability)
3.Adaptation of computing and communications infrastructure to variable renewable energy supply
4.Emerging computing / storage technologies for energy efficient operation
5.E-waste (e.g. obsolescence of electronic equipment and its disposal issues)
*Sustainability through the application of ICT
1.ICT for energy efficiency in smart homes and buildings
2.ICT for energy efficiency in industrial environments
3.ICT for smart grids and water distribution systems
4.ICT for sustainable transport and logistics
5.ICT for monitoring and conservation of biodiversity (e.g., underwater and fauna monitoring)
*Human-Centered Technology for Sustainability
1.User evaluation of test-bed and prototype implementations
2.Metrics for sustainability and their evaluation
3.Behavior change regarding sustainability choices
4.Human-factors in sustainable ICT systems
5.Novel user interfaces and interaction techniques
Chair: Mario Bergés, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Vice-chair: Lucas Pereira, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Funchal, PT
* June 23 - title and abstract registration
* July 7 - paper submission
* September 21 - WIP / Demo / PhD Forum submission
* October 8 - notification of acceptance
* October 21 - WIP / Demo / PhD Forum acceptance notification
* November 10 - camera ready version
* December 6 and 7 - conference
* Papers - up to 10 pages (8 + 2 additional)
* WIP - up to 4 pages (3 + 1 additional)
* Demo - up to 2 pages
* PhD Forum - up to 3 pages
(additional pages are subject to an extra charge)